Personal Testimony CD


Fulfill the Law of Christ

(Galatians 6:2 )

 How very important for us to bear one another's burdens, according to Galatians 6:2. It is in doing this, we fulfill the law of Christ. As people order and listen to my testimony CD, though it was recorded many years ago, the truth remains the same! How pleased the Heavenly Father is,when we help restore a needy one ... not destroy a needy one.

Galatians 6:1&2 is so very important, and God is counting on us to embrace every opportunity to help … not hinder, bind up, not beat up … but to restore, not destroy! We once again celebrated the blessed resurrection of our Savior this past Easter season; and if we have truly been risen with Him in newness of life, let us show forth His love and healing to everyone we touch. 


 Gloria's testimony CD is available once again. To order, make a check in the amount of $10.00 payable to: Marcia Richards.

Send by mail to: 

Gloria's Testimony CD

℅ Marcia Richards

P.O. Box 668

War, WV 24892